This is just a test to see if anyone really even reads this thing or not....I'm considering deleting it and I really don't have the time to post anything, but I consider starting again, if I knew someone read this. Anyway, this is a test, this is only a test!
YAY Praise Report!
Praise Jesus Christ! God is awesome! Well, all the time, but specifically, I have a reason for such husband got a job! This was such a cool story. Ok, so, Chad's in flight school and he quit his job in February/March so that he could go to flight school full time. When we met with the school orginally, they told us that it was feasable to expect that Chad would be done in 9 months if he didn't have a job. What they forget to mention was also, if he didn't have a wife or a child, or go to church, and if he lived at school and always had the perfect weather to be able to fly every second as well.
So, we're in month 8 of flight school and we're definatley not seeing that 9 month prophacy come to pass. Since we planned for this, financially, we've realized that we need to look for a job. Chad has had like 4 interviews and put in like a million applications for a part time position since the beginning of November, even ridiculous things like the gas station up the street....we were desperate for anything! He got the run around from lots of places that said, "Everything looks great! We'll call you tomorrow and let you know!" (with no call ever....What happened to integrity?!)
Anyway, all that to say that he's been talking with the owner of his school, Irv, for a couple of weeks now about working at his RV storage place. Irv kept saying, "Call me and we'll schedule something for you to come in and talk." Well, after phone tag and Irv's goose hunting, Chad finally went in on Monday to see what could be set up. Pretty soon, Chad's shoveling snow and getting a schedule for the rest of the week! Isn't that awesome?! Praise God!
Yesterday was his second day and he came home so happy. I could just tell that he was tired and worn out, but he felt accomplished in it. It was good! He went right to sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. And he tried to even use the excuse for not doing the dishes! (It didn't work, by the way ;-)
This morning I took a call on the prayer line for a woman with a job need. She explained how she had tried and tried to get a job at a temp agency and never receieved anything, with anger in her voice. I tried to encourage her with, "Well, that must mean that God has something else for you."
She didn't want to believe that and responded, "No He doesn't! I needed those jobs!" Of course I knew that this wasn't true and began to pray for the words to speak. The Holy Spirit began to move and she said, "I'm sorry. I guess He does, I just really need a job now."
I began to pray for her and I know that God heard it and will meet her and exceed all of her expectations, if not for her benefit, but to prove Himself "faithful even when we are faithless bc He can not deny Himself!" (2Tim. 2:13) I could feel this woman's pain, discouragement, and hopelessness and I knew that God was touching me through all that too. The lesson ended up being more for me than her, I imagine.
God, THANK YOU! Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you that you meet my needs according to your glorious riches, perfect timing, and perfect ways. You are more than I can think, ask, or imagine. I am sorry if I doubted any of your ways. I am sorry if I doubted your perfect love. I am sorry if I didn't believe that you were working for my benefit. Thank you for your forgiveness, mercy, and endless love! Thank you for Chad's job and I ask that you bless it. I pray that you cover him and allow his giftings, talents, and abilites to shine for your glory! We love you Lord and give you all the glory and praise! Amen.
My Christmas dilemna!
Well, well, well...there are only 11 days left until Christmas! Are you ready? Everyone asks that, do you hear that question alot? How are you even supposed to answer? Do they mean, "Do you have all your presents?" or "Are you done wrapping?" or what? What I really think it is, is the filler question! What I mean by that is, ya know....the social question to fill the time. Who knows what I mean? Another example of this is the famous, "Hey! How are you?" but walking away before they answer. Or the "Hey, how's it going?" Instead of the normal, "Hello!" greeting. Or maybe the "ready" question is just a secret status, "Did you get a present for everyone yet, bc I want someone else to tell me that they aren't done so I'm not the only fool not done!"
Either way, I think in all of these aspects of whatever the real meaning of this posed question, I'm not ready. I don't have everyone done, and I really don't think I'm going to get everyone done, and to be honest, I'm not that ok with it. I have a couple of people done and that's probably all I need. Of course, if I had a million dollars, I could think of 9 other people to get presents for, but I think that this year, I'm drawing the line.
This is the first for me, to be this confined in my giving. I am dealing with that. I know that might sound weird, but I used to get this and that for so and so and then get another present for them from Caleb, but this year's different AND I refuse to go into debt just to be a people pleaser. I am being delivered from this mentality and this is just a tiny step Jesus in taking me in so that my mind can be renewed and I can be set free. Anyway, I think there are alot of us "People Pleasers" in the world. I know my house is full of them. I married one and we are trying to keep our son protected from learning it, but already you can see the signs in him.
Here are only 3 ways to find out if you fall into this "People Pleasing" category:
Well, my answers are "no, most of the time duty, yes and then getting bitter with the person or thing that I am helping." I'm a total people pleaser. God is helping me. Anyway, Christmas is just one area that God is using to deliver me. I appreciate that, but it really sucks, just to be honest with you. I know for a fact that people are getting me gifts that I can not get gifts for in return and I know that this is not the purpose for Christmas anyway, but in my own warped mind, that's always been the way that it is. I also know that I am going to hate being completely uncomfortable opening and taking these gifts knowing all this. I hate that awkwardness! Anyway, this is the post I alone? Any thoughts to share?
I have to stop . . .
Well, I have decided that my addiction to needs to come to an end. It's totally affecting me. I'm getting totally freaked out at home. I'm even more scared of the dark and wondering if an unidentified black clad gunman is going to break into my house and kill me with an assault riffle.
Yesterday morning, my alarm went off. Usually, at this time, I snooze at least once. (It's not easy getting up at 3am.) But, oh not this day....this particular morning I smelled coffee as soon as I woke up....COFFEE?! So, I'm thinkin, "Why do I smell coffee? I did NOT set the timer until 4:30! Who in the world is out there messing with my coffee pot?! They must be real sickos to try to lure me out there with coffee so they can rape and pillage my body before the shoot me in the head!"
So, I roll over slowly and quietly, as not to make any creaking bed noises. I lean over towards my warm, sleepy husband and whisper, "Honey! Do you smell coffee?! I didn't set the alarm until 4:30! Somethings wrong!" He's kinda non-responsive to my life threatening emergency, so I tip toe to the bathroom to put my robe on and get my glasses, so I can quickly identify the perpetrator's face in case Jesus mercifully saves my life after my near-fatal head shooting.
I open the door as silent as possible and wait to see if I hear anything. I'm waiting for the man to jump out and grab me or to see if maybe he's waiting in the living room and I can hear heavy breathing. I slowly and carefully walk my fingers up the wall to turn on the hall light. I look both ways to see if he's right outside the door frame. I see nothing, so I proceed down the hall. I come to the bathroom door. I stop and wait again. I lean on the opposite wall and peer inside the dark room so see if his figure is looming nearby. I see nothing, so I move across the hall to look past the corner down the stairs to see if that's his hiding place. Nothing again. Next I stretch over to make sure that he's not trying to crouch down behind the counter. Again nothing. Nothing in the living room. Nothing in the kitchen.
So...who messed with my freakin' coffee maker?!
I walk over to the small appliance to make sure that I am not crazy and that I DID set it for 4:30am only to discover that the clock read over 2 hours fast! So, all that to say I'm a paranoid freak and that I did set it for 4:30am and that indeed my house was safe and free from any coffee criminal masterminds. The more and more I thought about it, the more and more I thought, "I'm ridiculous! Who in the world would try to beckon me out in the kitchen with coffee only to shoot me in the face when if they were really that twisted anyway, they could have just shot me and my family while we slept helplessly in our bed?!"
To top it all off, I have never had so many bed dreams in my life then when I started to The whole reason that I stopped watching the news was because it was depressing and sad. I got sucked into bc my friend directed me to a news story featuring a 22 lbs newborn in South America. It was over then! I thought, "Ok, well, this way, I can still read the news and only pick the stories that I want to read." Next thing I know, I'm reading about a serial killer pig farmer from Canada wondering how in the world someone can be so full of the devil.
I wish there was a news cast where all they did was give praise reports. At work, we get monthly emails about how people received prayer from someone at the ministry and called back or wrote back and said how God answered it. We should have something like that instead. Anyway, maybe I'll post some of those instead. So, I can't read anymore. Pray for deliverance for me in the mean time.
~Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.~
Wait -
1. to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens (often fol. by for, till, or until): "to wait for the bus to arrive."
2. (of things) to be available or in readiness: "A letter is waiting for you."
3. to remain neglected for a time: "a matter that can wait."
4. to postpone or delay something or to be postponed or delayed: "We waited a week and then bought the house. Your vacation will have to wait until next month."
5. to look forward to eagerly: "I'm just waiting for the day somebody knocks him down."
6. to continue as one is in expectation of; await: "to wait one's turn at a telephone booth."
7. to postpone or delay in expectation: "Don't wait supper for me."
8. to be in readiness for; be reserved for; await: "Glory waits thee."
9. to attend upon or escort, esp. as a sign of respect
10. an act or instance of waiting or awaiting; delay; halt: "a wait at the border."
11. a period or interval of waiting: "There will be a long wait between trains."
12. wait on, (a) to perform the duties of an attendant or servant for, (b) to supply the wants of a person, as serving a meal or serving a customer in a store, (c) to call upon or visit (a person, esp. a superior): "to wait on Her Majesty at the palace. "
13. wait up, (a) to postpone going to bed to await someone's arrival. (b) to halt and wait for another to join one, as in running or walking: "Wait up, I can't walk so fast."
I suppose that everyone is waiting for something…”breakthrough” I guess. I really hate that word. People call in for prayer all the time and say, “I need a breakthrough!”
I usually follow with, “Breakthrough for what?!” I don’t want to sound uncompassionate or heartless, but that phrase is so overused and most of the time, by people that don’t mean “breakthrough” but “hand out.” Even myself! I find myself in a season of waiting for a “breakthrough” but really…why should I believe that I deserve anything! Christine Cain said once, “…what we really deserve is eternal damnation!” How true! Who am I that I should expect anything from the Lord based on what I DESERVE?!
I’ve been thinking about what it is that keeps us in wait. Maybe it’s disobedience. Maybe it’s a lesson from God. Maybe we are not ready for what we are waiting on and in the end, it will be a stumbling block for us instead of a blessing. Maybe we don’t know how to pray for it. Maybe God’s working behind the scenes the whole time! I find that usually it’s the last one.
This past week at church, Pr. Shawn taught on expectation/hope. It was a wonderful teaching. Just researching the God of hope, you find SO many verses where the Lord is trying to teach us to have hope in HIM through waiting. In the Amplified version, Psalms 42 and 43 teach us to wait expectantly, nonetheless! Isaiah 30 gives a blessing to those that wait on the Lord. Hosea 12 teaches us to wait in Him always! And the list continues . . . Here’s just a few . . . my favorite is the last . . .
Psalm 25:5
“…you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
Rom 5:5
“And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”
Psa 42:11
“Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”
Isa 30:18
“Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!”
Psa 62:5
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”
Rom 15:13
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Psa 38:15
“I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God."
Jud 1:21
“Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.”
Mic 7:7
“But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”
Does God Use Cracked Pots?
by Joyce Meyer
Do you have joy in your life every single day? This is God's will for you, and He has provided the keys that will bring happiness, contentment and joy regardless of your circumstances.
Are you convinced that your particular circumstances make happiness and enjoyment impossible for you? Well, it’s not true! The keys that God offers you are designed to open doors that you may have thought were locked forever.
Learning to be happy with yourself is a very important key to enjoying your life. If you know that God wants you to enjoy life, why does it sometimes seem impossible? Could it be that you’re unhappy with yourself because you're not perfect? God doesn't require us to be perfect—He made us, and He knows we’re human and will make mistakes. Our job is to get up every day and do our best to use the keys He has provided for us. And when we fail, we must get right with God, receive His forgiveness and go on. We need to quit being so hard on ourselves and enjoy our lives right where we are.
Many people feel that God can't use them because they’re not perfect—this is a lie. God (the Potter) uses cracked pots (that's us) to do His work. As Christians, we are containers that God wants to fill with His goodness and light. Then we’re to carry that goodness and light to a dark world, sharing it with people everywhere we go. Don't be afraid of your flaws; acknowledge them and allow God to use you anyway. Quit worrying about what you're not and give God what you are.
I once read a story that beautifully illustrates the value of cracked pots:
A water bearer in India had two large pots hanging at the ends of a pole that he carried across his neck. One of the pots was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house. The other pot had a crack in it, and by the time it reached its destination, it was only half full. Every day for two years the water bearer delivered only one and one-half pots of water to the master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments—perfect to the end for which it was made. The poor little cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfections and miserable that it could accomplish only half of what it had been designed to do. After two years of what the imperfect pot perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer and said, "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you."
"Why?" asked the bearer, "What are you ashamed of?"
"Well, for these past two years, I have been able to deliver only half a load of water each day because this crack in my side allows water to leak out all the way back to the master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all this work without getting the full value of your efforts," the pot said.
The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path." Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot noticed the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because half of its load had leaked out once again.
Then the bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path and not on the other pot's side? That's because I've always known about your flaw and took advantage of it by planting flower seeds on your side of the path. Every day as we walked back from the stream, you watered those seeds, and for two years I have picked these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just what you are, he would not have had this beauty to grace his house."
Like that cracked pot, you too can accomplish wonderful things. You can make somebody happy. You can encourage, edify and exhort those around you. You can use your gifts and talents to serve God—and as a bonus, you’ll learn to have joy in every area of your life.
My day . . . .
Did I mention that Catherine and Josiah are getting married? I think so, but regardless today I am going to David's Bridal to get the dress. Here's a pic:
I am sure that I will look as stunning, or maybe more without that weird leg crossing pose.
I also gave blood today. I am wearing a sticker that says, "Be nice to me, I gave blood today!" So, please heed the sticker. What else can I tell you...I'm addicted to Actually, I really want to get off and go look at it, but I made a commitement to do more blogging, so here you go. I get paid today...God is SO good to me...I have to go to the prayer line in 10 minutes, so if you call in before 2, I might get your call. The number for prayer is 1.866.349.3300. I doubt that you will get this in time, but if you do, great! Hum....Oh yeah! I'm going to TN next weekend with Gina! This is something that we have aspired to do for YEARS! For real! And so we are going to see Jamie in TN. I think we are going to be visiting with her for Saturday afternoon, but we will be staying with Glo, so we will be visiting more with her and Jackson. (For pics of her and Jackson, visit G's blog.) Jamie also has a website and you can visit G's blog for that link too. She's a missionary to Turkey. Anyway, I have just 7 minutes to feed my signing off for now! Outtie 5 G!Senator Grassley's Letter
Hey, JMM is under some persecution, but God is good and I trust that His truth will prevail. Please be in prayer for the ministry and for the Meyer family. If you want to check out our website and see what's going on visit this link.
I feel like if I don't title it huge like that, people won't get it. It's's an update for ya.
Um, some details for ya...I'm still at JMM (Joyce Meyer Ministries) and I still love my job. We're going through a trial right now, but God is good and I trust that His truth will be revealed through it and that instead of the breakdown that people are attempting to throw at the ministry, I am confident that they will see the integrity and honesty of JMM. So, it should be good. We're not doing overtime any more and that's bitter sweet...bitter for the paycheck and sweet for the time's sake. God has increased my territory there and I am so grateful. He has given me more responsibilities and privileges and my job has become even better. I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary and it seemed to fly by for me. I am doing an early shift from 5am until 2pm and it's freakin hard! Caleb gets off school (that's right I said school) at 3pm and so it gives us more family time. It makes issues like bedtime at 7:30 and mid-week services at church impossible, but I really thought it would be great and sometimes it still really is! I don't so much appreciate it when the alarm goes off at 3 am, but I sure do when I clock out at 2:02pm! Ok, so moving on . . .
I'm still married . . . ha! And I still really love that too! We actually just went on a marriage retreat with our church and it was really cool. Chad and I were so I am glad to get away for the weekend and stay in a lodge. We haven't gone away since the honeymoon, so we very excited! It was awesome! We were the "youngest" couple there with 9 months under our belt. When we arrived there were rose petals on the bed and (plastic) champagne glasses with a bottle of sparkling grape juice (yuck!)...and chocolate covered strawberries (yum!) The teaching was very cool too. The speaker was Ted Cunningham, from the Smalley Relationship Center. He spoke on conflicts that marriages face are never the conflicts but reflections of one's heart. It was challenging and funny! We enjoyed it! It does get sweeter though, even just after 9 months.
Chad is still flying high. Right now he is working on his instrument and commercial rating. Right now, we are looking into a part time position and believing God for the right schedule, location, and pay...God's faithful like that I we trust that it's going to be perfect. He took me and Caleb up a few weeks ago and it was beautiful. The leaves were perfectly peaking in color and it was such a blessed time. We flew up to the U of I airport and hung out there for a little and ate a snack...awesome FBO! (That's a pilot term. It basically means a place in the airport were you can chill, eat, relax, and get updated info about the weather.) So, that is going pretty good. There are slow times and busy times depending on our schedule and the weather, so that's why we're looking for a part time position to add more "structure" to our lives and add to the income. He did a night flight last night to Sikeston and ate at Lambert's. (He brought me a roll, isn't that nice?! And they actually threw it to him ;-) Anyway, so he is still going strong with that and of course it has it's challenges, but God is awesome and it's through those challenges that He completes something in us. So, we remind each other of that.
Caleb! Oh Caleb! He's great! He's SO funny! He just says funny stuff all the time. The other night we were praying before bed and he went to pray for me and he said, "God I pray you just bless this food...wait, let me start over!" I asked him if he was going to eat me. He's so great! He is in kindergarten and he is doing very well. He just got him report card and I am glad to report all O's (outstanding) and S's (satisfactory) and where he could get actual grades, he got all A+. So we were excited for him. He's reading everything...he loves to read and I love listening to him. He is learning stuff that I remember learning in 2nd grade. I guess they just do things differently now, but I think that he will definitely be smarter than me very soon. He's growing so much too...he grew 3 - 4 inches in just the past 9 months! Anyway, so that's the scoop on the monkey! I love having him!
What else? Oh yeah! Josiah is getting married too, to my oldest (still) friend, Catherine. We got pregnant with our sons at the same time and Jayden and Caleb are 3 days apart. Cat started coming to our church almost 2 years ago and it was love at first sight, right Cat?! Josiah actually at one point went up to Cat with a list of reasons why she would not like him and they ended up talking most of the evening and scheduled a coffee date the next week. It was a done deal from then on and they are getting married April 4, 2008. Chad is Josiah's best man (Chad calls it "pretty good man") and I am a bridesmaid. So that should be cute! It's exciting too bc Catherine also has a little girl named, Janey and Josiah is going to be the best dad. It's fun that both Chad and Josiah now have kids the same age. Well, we don't have plans for a little girl yet, but we'll catch up someday ;-)
Also, I am hanging out with Gina and Elise more. We're trying to get stuff together more. It's been hard sometimes with our schedules so opposite now, but we're trying everything we can to squeeze it in there. The other day Gina and I attempted to put a desk together and that didn't work, bc we stopped to go get a couch and then we got sidetracked again bringing it in bc we cleaned Elise's room up and so it just felt like the "old" days when we would just hang out and do whatever and just be together. I was so giddy just thinking about how excited Elise was going to be when she came home to her room. It was a wonderful warmth that I haven't felt in such a long time. I remembered doing that kind of stuff for her and her for me and so it was awesome to be able to connect that way. I hope that makes just felt normal. That's the best way to describe it. Since I got married, it's been hard to figure out what "normal" means bc before I was married what would have been "normal" was impossible now and so all three of us have been trying to figure out how to be friends all over again. God's been helping us and I think He's bringing us into a new season. Anyway, so they both came over last night and we made "Chocolate Balls." This is a highly technical term for some crazy dessert with Oreo cookies and melted chocolate (sorry for the semi-sweet, G!) I think they turned out pretty good and I brought them to work today to share and I didn't bring any back, so I guess they didn't mind that it wasn't milk chocolate too much.
So, that's a long post for now. As you can see, I'm still figuring life out after the wedding compared to before the wedding. I apologize that I haven't posted much, I hope that you enjoyed what you read so far and I'll do what I can more in the future. Alright...peace out!
Thank you for calling Joyce Meyer Ministries! This is Jennifer can I help you?
Oh boy! What a month June was! We've had overtime for like the past 4-5 weeks. Sometimes it's been 1 hour and sometimes it been 2 hours mandatory, and it's always been as much as you want voluntary. So, I've taken advantage of it and we've tried to earn some extra bucks. Money's been tight lately with one income instead of 2 very comfortable incomes. It's been fun!
Weird to say, but it's amazing to know that God is using me to help Chad fulfill the destiny God had for him, and when it's all finished God is going to use Chad to help fulfill the call God placed on my life. That's a ginormous revelation of the partnership of marriage. I thank God for that. His helped us throughout it all too, providing everything that we would need, the second that we would need it. SO faithful, this God!
Caleb is doing well. He turns 6 on Saturday. SIX! That seems crazy to me that I have a six-year-old. I am enjoying this growing up thing more and more. I used to want him to be young forever, but he just keeps getting more and more fun! He says that funniest stuff! Chad and I just look at each other and just smile. It makes me fall more in love with my child. On top of it all...we have family dinner almost every night and Caleb eats it! That is a miracle from the Lord! His favorite food is polish sausage...weird, I know?!
Chad has taken rightful ownership as a "daddy" and God is redeeming the time that they were apart. Caleb is all boy and he loves that Daddy meets him right where he is. It's been the easiest transition that we have had to make. We thought (and were told) that it would be the hardest. Somethings that we thought would be the easiest are proving to be the hardest, but still through the trials, we learn and we grow together. It makes me excited about what we are going to look like in 25 years into this!
Well, that's what I've got for now. I don't blog much any more. I just don't have the time and what time I do have, I want to spend on my family and friends. Face time is extremely scarce and therefore, very valuable. I love you all still and I do miss you, the comments, and even the debates that got carried away at times :-) But, at least Gina's still going strong. "The first shall be last and the last shall be first!" Twisted, but so true in this blogging instance.
Quote of the Day . . .
"So, since you are so beautiful Mom, I was thinkin's that we should all play a game together!"
~ Caleb Sebastian (He's pickin it up early, huh?!)
So, it's been awhile, like a long while, since I have really given you an update. Please don't hold your breath, bc this really isn't one's just a nugget. My husband quit his great paying job at STL Honda and became a full time flight student to become a pilot. This was (is) a leap of faith! We believed (and still do) that God ordained all of this and that He will manage the details. He has gone above and beyond so far and I know that what He leads us to, He will lead us through all for the glory of His name. Moses fully understood this too when God wanted to kill the Israelites and make a great nation out of Moses bc the people's hearts had turned away from God. And he actually told God (I'm paraphrasing), "He God, you don't wanna do this. Then the Egyptians are gonna here about it and it's totally gonna look bad on you and that's not cool. This is about your glory, so don't do that, ok?" And God was like, "Geeze, Moses, I sure gave you a lot of wisdom, didn't I?! Ok, I won't. But, just bc you said so!" Now, how intimate in relationship do you have to be to remind the Creator of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE about something like that? Crazy! And on top of that, Moses had a humble enough of a heart to think like that, when I am sure that his flesh wanted to be like, "Yeah! Burn them all! They've been nothing but disobedient and they keep whining to me too!" I am sure that he wanted to get out of that freakin' desert and see that promise fulfilled that he had been waiting for.
I want that with God and I want to have that outside perspective where it's not about me, it's not about my plan, it's not about me getting past this season of "waiting" and get back to "what I'm really supposed to be doing with my life?" Do you ever catch yourself thinking that too? What is that? Why does "really living" have to be only the good things in life? Why can't life be both? The flesh is so fickle. This is exactly why God wants us to rejoice in the trials.
Anyway, reading further into that story of Moses, you find out that because he broke faith - HE NEVER ENTERED INTO THAT PROMISED LAND! And that is downright scary. I can see this same story played over and over in my life. Details totally different, but this faith journey totally the same. Some ended in victory, some defeat. Regardless, mercy let me find the lesson in it all. What an encouragement for me and my family.
All that to say that I am very happy to announce that Chad flew is first solo today...I'm so proud of him! To God be the glory that once again He has proven to be our LORD!
Shining as Stars
"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing."
Wow! This is powerful! What a challenge! So, I guess that includes things like working, driving, parenting, marriage, frienships, and even being in this country. I wonder if Paul had the gift of prophecy?! Well, shine away!
Palm Sunday!
Praise is rising
Eyes are turning to You
We turn to You
Hope is stirring
Hearts are yearning for You
We long for You
When we see You we find strength to face the day
In Your presence all our fears are washed away
Washed away
Hosanna Hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna Hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus
Hear the sound of hearts returning to You
We turn to You
In Your kingdom broken lives are made new
You make us new
‘Cause when we see You we find strength
To face the day
In Your presence all our fears are washed away
Washed away
(words and music by Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown)
Finally . . . an update!
SO I GOT MARRIED! I'm sure that most of you already knew that from Gina's phenomonial blog, but for you that didn't - there ya go! I did it. It's done. I'm living it now. And let me tell you people . . . it's the greatest! People were right - IT'S WONDERFUL!" And, oh boy, is it hard! Amazingingly hard! I think that's how it should be. Constantly denying the flesh to raise and lead by the spirit is not natural, so naturally, it's going to be hard.
Gal. 5:17-18, "My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit. Then you won't feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why don't you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?"
My husband is great! He is even more incredible as a husband than he ever was a boyfriend/fiance. He is gentle, kind, and patient. He is encouraging and challenging. And he loves me! This may seem like a weird statement, but when you've been doubting that your "fairy tale" will ever come true, this truth is mind-boggling. He tenderly loves me the way that we should love and always through the filter of the Holy Spirit.
AND he's the best dad in the world! We recieved so much advice on parenting and how difficult of a transition is was going to be for all three of us, espcially Caleb. However, God's grace has once again proven that it's readily available in it's abundancy and there is no situation that it can not cover. Caleb is TRULY a "daddy's boy!" Praise God!
We've had our share of sickness, trials, tests, and paperwork (there is always SO much paper work when you get married) but God has proven to be the Healer, Forgiver, Guider, Lover, and Giver. We are always learning and always seeing God in new aspects and situations within each other. Chad gets to see our God through the eyes of "Daddy" and "Provider." Caleb gets to see our Father through the eyes of a child who has seen the "Hero" answer his every prayer for a daddy. And I get to watch creation unfold through their beautiful relationship. I can see that God has truly made a masterpiece from a lump of miry clay and that He is constantly molding and shapping more until this family looks exactly like the body of Christ. Hence the next post to maybe help someone learn something that we pursue daily in our home.
Well, I know that this is short, but I pray it was sweet. We have to put our creative monkey to bed now . . . I love you all!
The 16 "NEVERS" of Communication with Your Spouse
- NEVER speak rashly.
- NEVER confront your spouse publicly.
- NEVER confront your spouse in your children's presence.
- NEVER use your children in the conflict.
- NEVER say "never" or "always."
- NEVER resort to name-calling.
- NEVER get historical.
- NEVER stomp out of the room to leave.
- NEVER raise your voice in anger.
- NEVER bring anyone into the discussion unless they are a direct part of the problem being addressed.
- NEVER win through reasoning or logic and never out-argue.
- NEVER be condescending.
- NEVER demean.
- NEVER accuse your spouse with "YOU" statements.
- NEVER allow an argument to begin if one/or both of you are overly tired, if one of you is under the influence of chemicals, or if one of you is physically ill.
- NEVER touch your spouse in a harmful manner.
Count down is to 22 days . . . that not much, but it's all I got for now! Love you guys and miss blogging!
TO GOD BY ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR! Elise Katherine Mullins was hit in a head on car collision last night. There are crazy pictures on the way, but fact alone that she is alive is a miracle, and how much more so that she's only suffering major cuts and scratches, brusies and she's obviously very sore. She's in alot of pain, but we are praying her through and God is so good that I know that she's completely in His ministering hands. Please continue to pray for her and for the conintued restoration after this event. THANK YOU JESUS!
You wanted details huh?! Well, here it goes . . .
Alright, well, I started my new job. I work for Joyce Meyer Ministries in the Call Center. I take calls from all her partners, donations, orders, answer questions, etc and I pray with people that need prayer and then specifically pray with people that call into our prayer line 2 hours out of the day. It's great! I still love my job and I have been there over a month now. It's amazing to work with people that love the Lord. In our meetings, everything starts in prayer and everything ends in the call to pray for whatever it is that we talked about. When people have a stressed phone call, they pray. When there is a problem about the computers, we pray. We talk about the Lord all the time....that's the best part. I am surrounded by believers and I've made some great friends too! It was mind-blowing at first, bc I wasn't used to being in constant fellowship. People read their Bibles in between phone calls and everything! It's awesome! That doesn't mean that it's not a job. That doesn't mean that we sit around and pray in tongues all day, and talk about how great the Lord is....but it does mean that in all that we do, we give glory and honor to our King and give Him the best work of our hands possible. It's a job that's a ministry. That's the bottom line. It isn't just a job and it isn't just a ministry. I love it all in all and I am blessed to work there. That has been a constant thought in my mind.....I am blessed. Dave and Joyce really take care of their employees. So, now you're updated on the job situation. Let's move on . . . .
I'M GETTING MARRIED! Oh boy! God is the coolest ever! Chad Trost asked for my hand in marriage on Oct 15, 2006 and I sqealed "YES!" (about 3 times, just to make sure that he heard me!) He took me back to the very spot that we had our first date. It was beautiful and it was so tender. It was good to see him get so nervous and so giddy! And the ring........oh my goodness! Sometimes it's still hard for me to believe that life is really like this. A single mom can really be Cinderella and God (not a fairy god-mother) still works all things out for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. I serve a God like that?! In spite of myself, He loves me and is my good Daddy who wants to give me good things from the Heavenly lights above!
So, even now as I write this, we are 58 days away from the wedding and I'm freakin' getting antsy! It has become increasingly difficult to leave him at the end of the day and everyone tells me that it's supposed to be that way and that it's a good sign, blah, blah, blah....but God is helping us out. That's all I can give you for now, but just keep praying if you feel led. I know that God hears it and answers accordingly....otherwise without prayer, this entire post wouldn't exist.
I am so sorry that I have been so crazy busy with life that I haven't had time to post about the 2 biggest things ever on this blog....but it's coming! Meanwhile, know that I started my job this week and it's awesome! Every prayer that I have been praying and prayer that has been prayed over me HAS been answered with this job. It's incredible and the Father is amazing! Praise Him, HE is worthy!
As far as the wedding, we set the date for Jan 27th of this upcoming year, so plans are already in motion for that. We are super excited and again God has soon us amazing favor in so many ways. Please continue to pray for us, pray for our family. I will write a detailed post soon. I love you all! Thanks for your prayers. God hears them and answers always above and beyond!
I'm getting married! I know that you all want details, but I'm so crazy busy and I promise that it's on the way! Stay tuned.....
My interview
Ok interview is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 13 at 1pm. So, please go to the throne of grace on my behalf if you feel so led. Also, BOTH Caleb and I do not feel well. I just have a cold, but Caleb's cold has turned into Bronchitis. So, while you are lifting that job need up, please pray for our health. I really appreciate that you would take the time to pray for me. God is going to hear your prayers and bless you for even praying for me. I pray that He does so in double portion. Thanks so much and I will keep you posted on the job, of course!
A lot of people have been praying for my job situation for quite a long time, actually. Well, I recently had an interview with a position that I really want. The benefits are incredible and the list continues with how amazing this job would be. Today I recieved a call from the HR lady that interviewed me and she wanted to let me know that they want to have a second interview with me. Praise God! Thanks you for your prayers and support. I really appreciate that you have taken the time to pray for me and for my son. I am humbled by your love and amazed that the Creator fills my life with people like you. I love you all! Thanks again!
Ya know, I just FREAKIN' love VARSITY! I just do! They are incredible. I love just being in the same room with them. I love just watching them interact. I love listening to them. Not enough people listen to High Schoolers. Well, not enough people listen overall, but especially to the High School age teens. There really is no point to this post except to say that. I love them! Also, guys, get ready...VARSITY is moving onward and upward and we are about to see major changes in the coming months with our group. So, get on board and get involved even more because we want you all to have a hand in it. We need you guys and we want you guys...We'll talk more about it soon, but be prepared!
quote of the day . . .
"...God's supernatural provision for humanity is most recognizable when we find ourselves in a wilderness devoid of self-sufficiency...Our own insufficiencies are only invitations to experience the supernatural sufficiency of a universally powerful, personally responsible God!"
~ Beth Moore
"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
~ 2Cor. 12:9 - 10 (NIV)
"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
~ Phil 4:13 (MSG)