I have to stop . . .
Well, I have decided that my addiction to CNN.com needs to come to an end. It's totally affecting me. I'm getting totally freaked out at home. I'm even more scared of the dark and wondering if an unidentified black clad gunman is going to break into my house and kill me with an assault riffle.
Yesterday morning, my alarm went off. Usually, at this time, I snooze at least once. (It's not easy getting up at 3am.) But, oh not this day....this particular morning I smelled coffee as soon as I woke up....COFFEE?! So, I'm thinkin, "Why do I smell coffee? I did NOT set the timer until 4:30! Who in the world is out there messing with my coffee pot?! They must be real sickos to try to lure me out there with coffee so they can rape and pillage my body before the shoot me in the head!"
So, I roll over slowly and quietly, as not to make any creaking bed noises. I lean over towards my warm, sleepy husband and whisper, "Honey! Do you smell coffee?! I didn't set the alarm until 4:30! Somethings wrong!" He's kinda non-responsive to my life threatening emergency, so I tip toe to the bathroom to put my robe on and get my glasses, so I can quickly identify the perpetrator's face in case Jesus mercifully saves my life after my near-fatal head shooting.
I open the door as silent as possible and wait to see if I hear anything. I'm waiting for the man to jump out and grab me or to see if maybe he's waiting in the living room and I can hear heavy breathing. I slowly and carefully walk my fingers up the wall to turn on the hall light. I look both ways to see if he's right outside the door frame. I see nothing, so I proceed down the hall. I come to the bathroom door. I stop and wait again. I lean on the opposite wall and peer inside the dark room so see if his figure is looming nearby. I see nothing, so I move across the hall to look past the corner down the stairs to see if that's his hiding place. Nothing again. Next I stretch over to make sure that he's not trying to crouch down behind the counter. Again nothing. Nothing in the living room. Nothing in the kitchen.
So...who messed with my freakin' coffee maker?!
I walk over to the small appliance to make sure that I am not crazy and that I DID set it for 4:30am only to discover that the clock read over 2 hours fast! So, all that to say I'm a paranoid freak and that I did set it for 4:30am and that indeed my house was safe and free from any coffee criminal masterminds. The more and more I thought about it, the more and more I thought, "I'm ridiculous! Who in the world would try to beckon me out in the kitchen with coffee only to shoot me in the face when if they were really that twisted anyway, they could have just shot me and my family while we slept helplessly in our bed?!"
To top it all off, I have never had so many bed dreams in my life then when I started to CNN.com. The whole reason that I stopped watching the news was because it was depressing and sad. I got sucked into CNN.com bc my friend directed me to a news story featuring a 22 lbs newborn in South America. It was over then! I thought, "Ok, well, this way, I can still read the news and only pick the stories that I want to read." Next thing I know, I'm reading about a serial killer pig farmer from Canada wondering how in the world someone can be so full of the devil.
I wish there was a news cast where all they did was give praise reports. At work, we get monthly emails about how people received prayer from someone at the ministry and called back or wrote back and said how God answered it. We should have something like that instead. Anyway, maybe I'll post some of those instead. So, I can't read CNN.com anymore. Pray for deliverance for me in the mean time.
~Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.~
Wow! You're posting again. I have to say, the part where you said "pillage my body" provided lots of laughs.
Hope that the Trost family has a great Christmas!
Glad the coffe bandit wasn't real. You are right about the news - it will depress you if you watch (or in your case, read)it too much. I am a Fox News fan (even though they really arent fair OR balanced), but I catch myself having strange thoughts (not unlike the coffee pot thing) when I watch too much of it. So, I have to say that I am addicted to reading blogs (thus my comment here). If you are looking for something other than the news to occupy your mind, check out the links on my sidebar to blogs I read - they are much better than Wolf Blitzer! hahaha
What a way to start the day!!! Could you go back to sleep???? Jeeze I don't know that I could've...
Anyways, glad to see you're blogging again. It helps me feel closer to home :)
Ok, what I meant to write was that "...I have never had so many BAD dreams..." not "bed dreams"...oh goodness...so, um, yes, Pete! The Trost family Christmas will be complete without any coffee convicts, that is if Josiah doesn't show up! (And I would only admit this to you, but I really don't technically know what "pillage" really means ;) I see that you won't be home this weekend (from Jess and Nick's party RSVP.) When do you come home? Oral U's a little different from Rolla, I guess?! Will "Fabio" Steve be joining you again this holiday?
Bethanne, today we had this huge (serious) meeting about no more emails or internet usage that is not only work related. So, I'm glad that my decision was supported by the ministry as well, so it looks like Jesus doesn't want me to even look at Fox News, although I have heard that it is the way to go, as far between the two. So, maybe after work or on my lunch I can browse the side links. I'll let you know!
Rae! I have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn (well, before really) at 3 am. I wish that I could go back to sleep, but the alarm really does go off at that time! But this way I go in at 5 and leave at 2pm. This way, I can have more family time. Caleb gets off school at 3 so usually I have dinner ready by 4 so we can eat and play afterwards. Sigh....I miss naps! What does your Christmas have in store for you this year? Any chance you'll make an appearance here?
I highly encourage you to look up "piilage" in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary and pay special attention to the second definition. It may have been more accurate than you knew.
I'm at CBC not ORU, although if you want to tell people I'm at ORU, I'm fine with that. But yeah, it's different than Rolla! It's great not having to write e-mails every other day to someone back home to complain about college.
Fabio is going home to Komifornia. He actually said that he would rather come to St.Louis and hang out with my friends, but well you know how mom's are about seeing their kids for the holidays.
Gotta study,
booty - oh goodness! Yes, I suppose that could work (blush!) Ok, CBC that sounds fun too! Why tell everyone that you are at Oral U...you love the Creflo, huh?
Well, a certain role model of mine went to ORU and it's a good school. That being said, a different role model of mine went to CBC and he's quite the fountain of Biblical knowledge himself.
Wait? Shawn did Oral U, right? Who did CBC?
That would be the honorable Pastor Smith.
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