The Pursuit of a Life of Praise

In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. ~ Psa 45:4-7


The MOST beautiful woman on the face of the planet!

Tonight, my sister (arguably the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet) and her boyfriend came to visit. I got to make them dinner. We had italian chicken, a new twist that I thought that I would try, green beans (I really, really like them), pasta (awful), and salad (mundane). Anyway, she and Spencer are abso-stinking-lutely adorable and I love them both with a lot of my heart. (I can't say "all my heart" because wouldn't be fair!) I showed them my blog site and they humored me for a little while to look at it. But, they are precious and I love them and I wish I had more time to spend with them. Soon, I will show you a picture of them, because like I said, SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!

uh oh . . . oops!

Well, today I got up and started working out. This is not an unusual practice, but that's another blog. What was unusual was that Caleb woke up about 10 minutes into my workout and was SO crabby! He told me that I was being too loud and that he was trying to sleep. He also told me that his brain hurt and that he needed medicine. So, he got up, had breakfast and I gave him some medicine. I continued to attempt to workout, but the interruption didn't help and I didn't give it exactly 100%. Anyway, I continued to get ready for the day and Caleb came to me again and said that the medicine didn't work and that his brain still hurt. I blew it off like a terrible mom and sent him to school. 2 hours later, I got a call from Caleb's school saying he puked all over and to come get him. How awful did I feel! Well, I am glad to report that his brain is okay but that he does have a virus. So, if you are a believer then, please, pray for Caleb, because he only wants to lie on the couch and watch tv - totally out of his character to sit still for hours at a time while he's awake! Poor Monkey! I'm such a dope! Moral of the story: LISTEN TO YOUR KID WHEN HE TELLS YOU HIS BRAIN HURTS!



I thought, since this is MY very own blog site and that you are actually visiting it, then probably you are interested, at least a little bit, in stuff about me. So, here you go:

  • My favorite color is blue or sometimes green. This is a generic question because really it depends on what exactly the color is representing. For instance, my favorite color of blue is a darker hue of blue or a darker green, but I don't think that I would purchase a car of those colors or paint my house with those colors. But, I would, however, wear those colors, which I often do. So, now you also have some insight to my wardrobe as well.
  • My favorite sayings are "Un!" and Outtie 5 G!" Let me explain, because without understanding these, you will not be able to fully appreciate these phrases. "Un" denotes extreme negative feeling. This could be disgust (which usually is) or a phrase to define definite stupidism. Think of it as a prefix that turns into a phrase in itself, i.e. uncool. Got it? Okay, moving right along. "Outtie 5 G" is a highly sophisticated, and proper way of saying "Goodbye!" It is mostly used by people of the Caucasian race. It is a glorified way of saying, "Peace out!" These phrases are highly original, but feel free to adopt them as your own. I shall take that as a compliment!
  • Favorite clothing - Well, we're getting pretty personal now, but here we go! My favorite thing in the world to wear is my cut up tee-shirts. I look like such a hoosier, but, gosh, it's comfortable! I have a big problem with stuff tugging on my neck.
  • I am addicted to warm, fat, big covers! I will roll over, tuck under, and basically do pilates with the blanket to achieve the exact contour of that nights sleeping position that I want. There is no end to the extent that I will go to accomplish a great nights sleep.
  • I want to visit Greece and Italy someday in my lifetime. I want to walk the Greek ruins and temples and get down on my knees and pray to God, a real thing, not a myth. I want to see the handiwork of Michelangelo for myself. I want to gaze with wonder at the Piazzo del Campidoglio. I want to study Pallido's designs. I want to dance in an Italian Palazzo and meditate at God's wonder in St. Peter's. I would give just about anything to go to the Colosseom and walk through it's maze of tunnels. I want to stand in the suns rays in the middle of the Pantheon. I want the sun to warm my checks as I ride beside the Mediterranean Sea on the back of a motor bike. Sigh!
  • My favorite food is Italian. My favorite drink is a mocha frappachino. This works well has a hot drink or a cold drink, depending on the mood . . . Yum!
  • My favorite music is worship! I love to rock out in front of God - He's my biggest fan!
  • My Favorite verse of the Bible has got to be (hands down) 1Cor. 1:25 "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." We are SO in need of our Savior! We are such idiots and God loves us anyway, Holy Cow! I love Him!

Upper Room

If you are desiring a new look at religion and want to know more about what the TRUE God is all about then visit this link and then visit us for real on Wednesday nights. It's all about awesome music, fun people, and understanding our amazing Creator! Jesus is the coolest thing ever, I mean really ever! In the UPPER ROOM you will even find people that tried everything else and still found God to be the most exciting. I can't wait to meet you there!


My Gina

This is my Gina! She is just about the most incredible person that I know. We first met in January '01 (we're coming up on 4 years!) We met in college and had 3 classes out of the 4 that each of us were taking. Little did I know that this woman, this persistant, endearingly stubborn woman would show me what Christ is like. Gina is SO challenging! If you didn't know that, it's probably because you've never talked with her. She keeps me on my toes and my eyes wide open - even if I try with all my might to keep them shut!. She has been there through everything, every trial, every tear, every smile, every rejoicing moment that Jesus brings me through. She has taught me so much and I couldn't be where I am today without her unconditional love. I can totally dork out with her - the mark of a TRUE & REAL friendship! She is ridiculously talented and beautiful. She is full of grace and ambition. She is wise beyond her years and has a true passion for Christ and a constant motivation to grow closer to Him always. She is such an encourager! Gosh, she's the best! Plus, she's incredibly hot! Just look at her gorgeous smile. We got silly and took a couple of photos. Isn't she just perfectly cute?!


This is the closest thing that I have ever come to being a part of a miracle from God. This is God's blessing to me. Caleb Sebastian, is 4 years old and what a fun handful! He is the funniest, cutest, and most wildly imaginative child that I know. I'm ridiculously partial and biased, but com'mon, could you resist this smile! If you have ever wondered what people think of you, have kids, because they become the spittin' image of you in so many ways. Even I catch myself thinking, "Wow, that is so something that I would have said!" or "That was my face!" It is extreme to be a parent - laughing one minute and crying your eyes out the next. It is also the most heart wrenching thing. There is so much power that your own children have with your heart! In one week, Caleb asked me to marry him and a few days later asked me, "Mommy, is it okay if we don't hold hands anymore?" See, gut-wrenching! He also tells me all the time just how proud he is of me! That is quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself. So, let's dive a little deeper into the mind of a 4 year old:

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Number: 5

Favorite thing to do: Play with toys

Favorite Movie: Buzz Bightyear and Madanascar (there are not typos, this is a direct quote!)

Favorite TV Show: Elmo (Seseme Street)

Favorite Animal: Elephants

Favorite Super Hero: Batman, because he's cool!

Favorite Candy: a sucker

Favorite Food: fruit snacks

Favorite toys: planes and helecoptors

What do you want to be when you grow up: A train driver

Favorite Memory Verse: Do not worry, God will take care of you! (no verse quotation, just "It's in God's Word")

Favorite Songs: "I'm Divin' In" by Steven Curtis Chapman and "Tell the World" by United Live

Favorite Person: "Mom, but God is better!"