The Pursuit of a Life of Praise

In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. ~ Psa 45:4-7


I'm pretty much a dumb sheep . . .

" . . . for my power is made perfect in your weakness." If I had a mantra to describe exactly where I am spiritually right now - BAM, there it is. Weakness - I checked it out and here are some synonyms: flaw, fault, failing, limitation, disadvantage. Interesting to you? I thought it so!

Weakness, isn't it ironic that what the world sees as a defect, God glorifies! Think about this for just a second. I have been all day! Last night, trying to quiet all the turmoil in my head was impossible. I tried reading the word, I tried replaying situations over and over, looking for answers and seeking my own direction, and I even tried talking with my sister. Talking with her gave me momentary peace. In fact, she was walking through her own weaknesses and talked with me about it. It was easier for me to encourage her in the Lord than to encourage myself. Why is that? It was so easy for me to rejoice in her sufferings and I'm thinkin' in my head about how excited I am that God is going to use all this stuff that she's going through to put her through the fire and that I can see all the faithfulness that God has shown her in the past couple of years and I believe God, not just believe in God, but fully believe God, that He will use this all to mold and shape her to make her more like He is and that in the end He will lavish all these amazing blessings upon her. (breath)

So, I got off the phone with her and felt a little better, then morning happened. I couldn't get out of bed. Caleb came and woke me up. He wanted to get up and start the day, but I wanted to stay in bed all day. He wanted to read, so we read in bed. He went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast and I stayed in bed. He even closed my door so that I could get up and get dressed and sure enough 20 minutes later, he came knocking at the door saying, "Mom, you are taking too long!" And he was so right. I needed to get my lazy behind out of bed and start me day, but there was this haze over my soul. There was this giant heaviness that was too much for me to carry around.

So, I hit my knees and I cried. I cried and cried until it couldn't come anymore. I felt alone, I felt tired, I felt weary. I felt defeated and discouraged. It all kinda happened at once, ya know? Life just kinda keeps piling it on until it finds your breaking point and it found mine. I immediately knew where I was supposed to go - I went back to bed, but this time, I was armed. I dried the tears, but kept the tissue box handy and grabbed the sword and my new journal. It was waiting, just asking to be marked up with all the desires, pains, and cries of my heart. Date at the time, complete with the exact time and I just went to work. I scribbled it all down. I sorted it all out. I cried, I laughed, I screamed and I moaned until it was all down on paper and all out in the open. As my friend Gina says, "I got naked before the Lord!" And boy, did it feel better! I'm weak, completely frail. There is not one strand of strength left in me. What a scary, humble, and wonderful place to be!

I was working out today. (Denise really sure knows how to make the muscles burn!) I'm holding this crazy "warrior pose" and my thigh is shaking so bad that it was risking pulling it out of the hip socket and burning so bad that my pants practically caught on fire and I'm thinking to myself, "I'm so weak! This is so hard. Weakness leaving the body, huh?" I have just been so alert to the weaknesses of me today. I've been thinking all day about just how much I need God. It's quite amazing! I've been such a fool! How foolish to depend on my own strength and my own decisions that obviously put me in foolish positions anyway! What a wretched human am I to have choosen my will over that of my father's AGAIN! What is wrong with me? I mean really, I feel like this is the story of my life. Go, go, go, and do, do, do until I fall, fall, fall and then wonder why I continue in this fashion, every stinkin' time! Do you ever do that? Do you know what I mean?

So, I'm weak, and I'm learning to love it. It's a learning proccess for me, but I don't recommend learning as I have (or as I am.) Because, here's the deal - God doesn't want only the hard stuff. He wants it all. He wants every minute. He doesn't want the tough times without the easy times too. It's kinda like the mini-sermon that everyone preaches before you take up the offering. "Be faithful with the little stuff and it will be easier to be faithful with the more that God gives you!" You heard that one before? Well, I'm applying it to life! Give God the little stuff and watch Him carry you through the hard stuff too. Had I learned to give God the little stuff before, then how much easier would it be to walk through the difficulties of life that I face now?! Get it? So maybe you are like me, maybe not. Either way, don't wait until you are forced to depend on God to start depending on Him. I'm sure it's much more fun to do it willingly.

God, I need you! I can do nothing apart from you. You've heard it before, because I've said it before, but here I am again. I know that you hear me and I know that you are taking care of me. I don't understand why you would want me, but here I am in all of my weakness and I'm giving it all to you. Have your way! I surrender, all of it, I'm not holding back. I'm done! I have nothing left. I need a job - so you work it out! You know everything and you know how it's gonna work out. So, I trust you. You've never left me with any reason to doubt. I need your healing - so come inside my heart and mend away! You have never done anything but make me whole. There are pieces missing and I'm trying to fill those cracks with other stuff. Take the presidence that you deserve and move the stuff out the doesn't belong. Take care of those insecurities while you're there. Elise will appreciate it too! I have worries that only you can quiet - so speak loud enough to reach where I am because I can't even imagine being worthy enough to meet you were you are. I need to know and take hold of your promises - so thank you for the people that you've put into my life that remind me of that everyday! You've got your work cut out for you, but I know that you are a big and mighty God, so here ya go! I'm all yours. I'm a dumb sheep, lead away . . . baaaaaa!


At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you. I thank God for you. I thank YOU for LETTING GOD work in you. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to walk out this thing called life with you as a best friend by my side... through the good, the bad, and the downright nasty... we've been through it all. (Sigh) Thank you, my sweet Jen.

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and thank you for updating your blog site. Everyone else seems to be slacking!

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Ah, encouragement! I'm eating it up!

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Isaiah 40:29-31 New International Version (NIV)
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Philippians 4:6 New International Version (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

My Dearest Sister in Christ, you are always in my prayers. I thank the Lord for bring me to you blog, for showing yet another person I need to Continually lift up to Him in Prayer and Thanksgiving. You are precious to the Lord and also to those of us who Love you in His Name. I know God is Blessing you and will continue to pour out His Blessing on you. Pray Unceasingly. Hang in there and God Bless You!!

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Jen said...

How can I thank my blessed friends for speaking the perfect words to my dry soul? Thank you for your refreshment, dear ones! Thank you Lord, for your Holy Spirit which has the power to transcend ALL understanding.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Elise said...

Well, you pretty much described what I've been dealing with and what God's been dealing with me about the past couple of days. Everything seems to be going along okay...yeah tough stuff is happening, but I'm doin alright; I've got God on my side, so I'm just going to pretend that everything is wonderful. But then you just hit the breaking point and you can't keep putting everything off as if it's not really a big deal. Yes, I've been praising God for all the awesome things He's been doing lately, because I'm not gonna lie, incredible stuff is going on. But through all this (good and bad) I haven't been giving Him everything. My dependence has been on myself rather than completely Him.
I am eating, drinking, breathing God now, like I should've been all along. Wow, I'm learning a lot through this whole situation with my grandma. She has only weeks left probably and yet her focus is on Christ. What a testimony! She's started something awesome in our family and I only want to improve upon it. That's a lot to live up to! So, I can't give God any less than all of me. It's easier now to fall into His arms of love when I need him so much, but when things improve, I want Him to be holding on to me just as tightly. That's up to me though. He desires to be near to us, but only if we are willing. I want nothing to satisfy me more fully than His presence, which is completely unhuman, but exactly what we need. I am nothing without Christ!

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Aaron D. Taylor said...

Hey Jen,

I love the story about the little boy and his grandfather and the lesson of how God's Word brings change. I may use that on my broadcast some time.


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