The Pursuit of a Life of Praise

In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. ~ Psa 45:4-7


uh oh . . . oops!

Well, today I got up and started working out. This is not an unusual practice, but that's another blog. What was unusual was that Caleb woke up about 10 minutes into my workout and was SO crabby! He told me that I was being too loud and that he was trying to sleep. He also told me that his brain hurt and that he needed medicine. So, he got up, had breakfast and I gave him some medicine. I continued to attempt to workout, but the interruption didn't help and I didn't give it exactly 100%. Anyway, I continued to get ready for the day and Caleb came to me again and said that the medicine didn't work and that his brain still hurt. I blew it off like a terrible mom and sent him to school. 2 hours later, I got a call from Caleb's school saying he puked all over and to come get him. How awful did I feel! Well, I am glad to report that his brain is okay but that he does have a virus. So, if you are a believer then, please, pray for Caleb, because he only wants to lie on the couch and watch tv - totally out of his character to sit still for hours at a time while he's awake! Poor Monkey! I'm such a dope! Moral of the story: LISTEN TO YOUR KID WHEN HE TELLS YOU HIS BRAIN HURTS!


At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Katelyn Ashley said...

den jittman! hey girl! i love, love, love your blogsite. it totally rocks! caleb is such a little man. and you are such an awesome woman of God. i love your "deep thoughts". love you!

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Katie, you can call me whatever you want after what I have been called this week! However, my honer has been restored thanks to my dear brother in Christ! Remind me and we'll talk about it soon.


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