update about the conference
Ok, I went to this IHOP conference a couple of weekends ago and I have been putting off the update about it because well...it’s hard to describe. I really can’t find the word (or words) to really express my thoughts or feelings about it in the way that I really feel. I am glad that I went, very glad, but it was just A LOT. I mean A LOT! It was very challenging teaching! For instance, I started taking notes and by the time that we were about 10 minutes into the teaching, I had to stop because I couldn’t really get all that they were saying and take notes about it. It was like if I didn’t write the exact way that they worded it then it wasn’t going to have the same affect. Have you ever felt like that? Like all you could do was just listen? Well, that’s what happened.
It was everything that it said that it was going to be, specifically this part – “…Only when the church returns to our "first love" will we regain our spiritual authority and once again become an agent of change in the earth." So, that’s been the main thing that has stuck with me from the conference teaching. To say that it was good seems kinda weird, it just doesn’t fit, but I am so glad that I went. There was a call to fast and pray in deeper measure and that is always a sobering, yet challenging message. Who couldn’t do more in that area? Who couldn’t claim that is an area in which we all could weaken ourselves to see God’s strength enrich and empower our lives? I know that God challenged me in this area of self-discipline.
There were also classes offered for the children. Not baby-sitting services, but real classes for the kids! They learned about praying for the nations and seeing God moving through cultures and countries that haven’t seen the gospel. I saw two-year old toddlers praying for India! It was amazing! Very encouraging!
So, it was a “wake up” kind of conference. Not at all like anything I’ve been to in the past. I recommend it to all but I just wish that I had been more prepared to receive all that was a part of the teaching. Thank you for praying for me, if you did!