We have a new YOUTH PASTOR!
Ladies and Gentlemen, after 1 year and 5 months, South County Christian Center is no longer youth shepardless!
- Praise the God of Heaven!
- Blood that never fails me!
- Jesus' Blood, Jesus' Blood!
Pastor Ryan Stoops has been announced as the NEW youth pastor of the Upper Room! I couldn't be more excited that God has chosen you, Ryan and I couldn't be more thrilled at the thought of moving forward and working with you. You have so much to teach and so much vision and I can't wait to catch it and grab a hold of what God has ignited in your spirit!
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord! You alone are awesome and you never cease to amaze and humble me at your grace, goodness, and faithfulness. God please continue to guide us. We need your help now with this joyful transition. God give Ryan boldness. Give Ryan fresh perseverance, fresh vision, fresh love, and fresh annointing! God, I pray that you help our team. Continue to unite us by your Spirit. Father God, I pray that both Ryan and Katy will become to us like the missing piece of the body that you envisioned for the Upper Room. Help them both to take up the role of leadership with great respect, honor, and ownership as you have given it to them with the same. Help our leadership team to accept with great privelage the oppurtunity to serve you and our new leaders. Help us to make their service a joy so that you recieve great honor and glory from this part of your bride.
I pray against conflict that would try to separate us. I pray against the authorities that would try to overwhelm us or try to inflict worry or strife. I pray against pride in our group and I pray against division. I pray against miscommunication or assumptions. I pray against confusion and against hidden agendas. I pray against anything that would try to inhibit us from moving forward towards new goals, new lessons, new ideas, and new organization within our group. I pray against the idea of personal ministries that do not uphold the vision of the house. And I pray against the resistance of change. All in the mighty and sovereign name of Jesus Christ!
Father, overwhelm us with your peace and joy that will be our guide through this new season. Help us to iron out details and make ourselves readily available to welcome our new leader in as a king settling in his throne room. Call on your servants to pray for Ryan and Katy and their beautiful children. Protect us all from the evil one and his evil schemes. Thank you again Father God and praise you for always knowing what is best and always helping us to trust in your unfailing love and mercy. Father, I adore you and I love you with everything in me and I ask all of this in your Son's sweet name, AMEN!
Follow closely . . . Definately more to come on this!
"I pray against the authorities that would try to overwhelm us or try to inflict worry or strife"
Interesting quote! Either the FBI is after you, demons now have authority, or you just prayed against your pastors! Also curious that without a pastor, your youth are "shepardless". I wonder if the vision of the church you attend is supported in these statements.
I was just chaining through these blogs, so don't take my word for it.
P.S. Congrats on the good looking young man....you almost seem more excited about him than the birthday boy!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I hope and pray that you can visit again and that the LOVE of Christ would dwell within our conversations. I'm sorry if I confused you, but please let me take the time to explain a few things. The FBI is not after me, demons DO have authority (please see Eph 6:12), and no, I prayed FOR my pastors. Since Jesus commanded us not to worry (Matt. 6:25), I believe that worrying is a sin, so I certainly pray that our pastors are not inflicting worry on to anyone and according to Proverbs 20:3 it says, "It is to a man's honor to avoid strife..." So, again, I pray that our pastors do not cause strife between anyone in our group. I do pray that they challenge our minds and spirits and ignite us to grow more in love with our Savior. As far as being shepardless, that statement refers to a permanent position of authority over us. We have amazing leaders and we were very blessed during this time of transition. God's hand was on our leadership and His grace abounded! Praise God for that! Thank you Jesus! Feel free to email the church and let them know that I have a blogsite. The email address is www.scccenter.com.
P.S. Thanks you for the congrats...If you’re trying to offend me, I forgive you.
Perhaps you should look in your bible under Matt. 10:1 or under Luke 10:19. There seems to be some confusion on who the authority is.
Also, I was honestly congratulating you on the young man. A lady is lucky, or excuse me-blessed, to find a good man, but be careful that you aren't giving too much of that heart away. You are wearing yours out in open for all the world to see right here on the internet and sometimes things don't work out. Just from one sister to another.
Sorry for being a s*** disturber,
P.S. I am not a Christian but I do agree that loving people is a good thing.
Did Hitler accomplish his genocide because he had all of the authority to do so or because those with the authority to stop him did not excercise it soon enough? I think that my sister is using the authority assigned im Matt. 10:1 in her prayer. I'm afraid I can't see the confusion your speaking of. Also, sarcasm and criticism are not the usual ingredients involved in loving people and so I guess I'm experiencing some confusion of my own. Last but not least your advice on hearts and how they should be displayed is hard to take seriously when you participate in it by "chaining" through blogs and offering unsolicited advice on all things theological and relational. If I've misunderstood or misrepresented your views I apologize ahead of time.
First and foremost, your beautiful Hitler illustration holds water, but only backs up my point. Authority comes from the top down, so if demons have authority it is only because "we" have let them have it.
Secondly, the fact that I chained through some blogs and stopped at one to share my viewpoints does not make me inferior to you or any other person who posts here simply because you only spend your time on one blog. Nice logic though!
Thirdly, you mentioned that sarcasm and criticism aren't ways of showing love, but you, a "christian", man included both in your message. You personify the reasons I can no longer stand to step foot in a church.
Last, but not least, I believe I was posting in reply to Jen. She has replied courteously and thoughfully, so please let her speak for herself sir!
I did lash out at Jen. I simply found her post interesting and wanted to see how she really felt since I was confused by some of her statements. I may not be a christian, but I have read the Bible and know much of it by heart. If you have read it fully and can claim that there is nothing in it that is confusing, than you are either fooling yourself, or you are a fool yourself.
I am not trying to challenge your beliefs, I believe them too, but because of hypocritical "christians" who have irrepairably damaged my life, I no longer have the strength or will to follow them. That is my choice, but if my questions are too challenging for you to answer without turning into a man who rips into those who would question him, as if he was lying in wait for it, then I will simply wait for Jen's reply ( which I expect will be a little more understanding and less hypocritical ) and never post here again.
ummmmm....Wow! Jen if you would tell me that your blog was this exciting all of the time then I would visit more than twice a year
hey sally, let me assure you that no one meant to hurt you here. Josiah is a really nice guy despite what you may think right now. he also happens to be a talented debater, so maybe that is why it seems that he is attacking you.
on an entirely different note I think that it is ( and this is going to hurt ) time to get over it. i am really honestly truly sorry for any pain you went through due to people, but that is why our hope is in God. people fail themselves and people fail each other but God is faithful. honestly did you really expect to go through life without pain simply because you loved God. it doesn't work that way. everyone gets hurt and nothing is irrepairable ( that's a tough one to spell ) that is put in God's hands. Trust me on that one.
i totally agree that the Bible can be confusing at times. that's why we have to study it and seek God in it. strangely enough, your posts served as a confirmation of what I have been studying recently....have you been looking at my notes?
God bless you- he loves you ya' know?
P.S. if you think Jen is confusing in her post, you should talk to her when she is drowsy sometime....wow...just playin' Jen
"Can't we all just get along" -Rodney King
I think that this is very silly, and the two individuals in question have both been "sarcastic".
Matt.10:1 - "He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."
Luk. 10:19 - "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you."
Ephesians 1:18-23
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, FAR ABOVE ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY, POWER AND DOMINION, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
Jude 1:24 - 25
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Sally, there is a SUPREME authority! It is God the Father, our Daddy! However, there is a hell and it has it’s own authorities. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, came to this very earth and died on a cross, paying the very price of our sins and therefore overcoming death itself and gaining authority over every dominion. Therefore, in the verses that you referred me too, through Christ and His death, we have been anointed with that same authority that He gave to His disciples. Do I think that people can give too much credit to Satan and his demons? Absolutely! I think that this is an issue that we need to be aware of as Christians and think and pray about, as well. Often times the very thing that people start rebuking is a trial or test given to us by our good Father to work something either into our lives or to work something out of our lives. God’s ways are much higher than ours! I’m glad for that! I’m so sorry if you were offended in any way by anyones’s comments on here. I am especially sorry for the pain that you have suffered at the hands of people that I would call brothers or sisters. I will pray for you and I will pray for your healing in that matter. I think that many people could agree with you that at times people, even Christians, have been guilty of hypocrisy and that many people have felt the very hurt that you now feel. I am even one of them! Pain hurts and it’s easy to put a face onto a situation and point your finger to place the source. But, like Pete said, people are fallible, our Father is not! Therefore, please turn your heart towards His perfect love!!! I do hope that you read this and I do hope that you will continue to visit often. Thanks again for reading my blog! Peace out and LOVE OUT as Gina would say!
Oh! Also . . . Peter . . . Go eat a green buger! And enjoy your birthday this week!
Thanks for the reply, Jen. It's good to know that YOU know where you stand. You seem to be a nice young lady who is strong in her beliefs. Thanks for the invite to read your blog more, but I think I'll butt out.
Hey Pete....you're right but getting over it is tougher than you can imagine, but just the same, I'll try harder. Thanks for the challenge.
Thanks for the dialogue,
well good luck Sally!
and Jen the green boogers are flickers and the light yellow are the ones you eat. everyone knows that. oh yeah, good memory.....for an old person...no really thanks!
and back to the orginal reason I came in to post a reply. ALRIGHT RYAN!!! he's going to be a great youth pastor ( i may be a little partial ). and pats on the back to EVERYONE who helped the UR survive the last year and a half!
P.S. this whole word verification thing is weird...i just verified "bigohor"
I pray that God will give you the courage to step out of your small circle of friends and meet new people.
You seem like a nice woman of God---but HE has a purpose for your life that may not be found while constantly surrounding yourself with the same group of people. Maybe I'm reading your blogs wrong but it seems as though your 3 or 4 "sisters and brothers in Christ" are the only people you socialize with. I apologize ahead of time if this is incorrect.
The non-confused Anonymous person,
Ha ha ha ha...I'm sorry, but you're judging someone by what you see on the internet...I kinda find that funny. You did say you were chaining along and found Jen's sight to comment on right? Well, how can you judge...or make assumptions about her when all you know is what you see?..and you did say that you read the bible or have done so in the past and know that it says somewhere, I'm not personally a genius Bible scholar or anything, that you should be quick to forgive?...forgive those that "personify the reasons...can no longer stand to step foot in a church. I've read and read over these comments again and again focusing especially what Josiah has posted, but I don't find the criticism or sarcasm you talk about that Josiah has performed.
Above all else, I'm sure if all of Jen's "brothers and sisters" had a computer or blogged if they did have a computer, you would find yourself undoubtly mistaken. You may see the people she surrounds herself around the most...well out of all these people that have commented Josiah is the one she hangs out with most, but like the disciples, she's not traveling alone in her path with God and has those in support of her. I wouldn't take it personal if someone else chimes in. Josiah was and is letting Jen speak for herself, but he's explaining and sharing his wisdom for the benefit of you. He's not trying to prove you wrong, but he's trying to shed some light on the subject so it's clearer for you to see Jen's beliefs.
Alright! I'm about to turn this amonymous blogger post thing off! I am confused about whom is speaking with whom and about whom is referring to what comment and I think that everyone else is as well! PLEASE, from now on, at least put your first name so we know who is talking and that way it's easier to keep everybody straight! Ok...as far as the comment about the small circle of friends...I am assuming that that comment is directed towards me (Jen) so here's what I have to say - I forgive you, because you are incorrect. Here's the deal, do you have friends? I hope so. Do you have aquaintances? I hope so too. Do you have friends that are closer than other friends? I hope so too. All are important and vital in every person's life. If you see the same 3 - 4 people posting comments on my blog, then maybe these are the same 3 - 4 people that love me enough to care about reading my thoughts and posting comments about them. Is that a bad thing that my friends love me and always post comments? Nope! I don't think it is. Everyone has the oppurtunity to post here. There are no restrictions on who can post. Also, I can not force everybody that visit's my blogsite to post a comment. And at the time of this very comment 282 people (or I guess I should say 282 different computers) have wandered on to my blog, so I doubt that these 3 - 4 friends that you speak of are searching out computers that they haven't checked my blog on just to increase the number of views on my blogsite! I imagine that most are complete strangers to me as well. But that still leaves quite a possibility of the number of people that fall into that friends and aqaintances category. Regardless, I will pray about your comment, just as I do with all the other advice that I receive, seek God's truth and continue to walk in freedom that His Spirit allows! I do appreciate that you understand the absolute incredible wonder that the Creator of the whole universe has a plan for my life, but I must refer yet again to the unfailing scriptures where Jesus surrounded Himself with only 12 disciples and even out of those often called out only 3 - 4 of those men to fellowship with. Okay? I think we got that straightened out. As far as the next anonymous quoter, I don't think that the "non-confused" anonymous quoter is "Sally" but I'm not sure who it is. So, again, let's use names and clear this confusion up! Anyway, I appreciate what you were saying about Josiah, because honestly if you knew him, you would understand that in no way did he intentionally attempt to hurt Sally or demean her in any way or try to come across as sarcastic and critical. Guys, I love Christ! Let's all make sure that we are checking our motives when commenting so that His LOVE is radiated throughout our thoughts and post! The goal of this entire blog was set up to glorify Him. I want to maintain that. I know that I have been challenged in this area, so maybe you have too!
oh yeah...3 or 4 friends...post away! I love you guys and your comments! Joe - you're my dear brother! So often my Barnabas or my Timothy! Thank you for your precious friendship! Thank you Jesus!
The "Non-confused anonymous" isn't Sally. It seems that whoever the "non-confused anonymous" person is was trying to remedy Sally's comments. And along with that, if it was Sally, she would've put "Sally" at the very end of her post. Pete and I looked at this last night and came up with the conclusion that there are 3 different anonymous people. There's Sally, the "non-confused", and the one that thinks you have a limited number of friends. Anyways...I have no wisdom or light to shed on this specific subject although I kinda agree with things each person has posted but I wasn't in question of what you said in the first place....but these are interesting posts.
If anyone has friends, it's Jen! She has a way of drawing people in and most often building them up with the love that Christ has given her. More than likely, if you were to meet her, you would feel a warm welcoming that comes not of herself, but because of who is living in her.
Okay, you're right this is getting pretty silly. That is fine that Jesus surrounded himself with a few "good" friends or people that he could trust. Now that is not a valid reason to not go outside these "circle" of friends that everyone is talking about, because honestly there are other people that you could easily befriend IF they knew that you were an easily approachable person. With that said I hope you realize that this is not meant to say that your personal life is any of "our" business, "our being the blog community. The truth of the matter is that your personal business is out there so I do not see a reason why you would want to see "names" of people posting to "clarify" things. That would just cause a backlash against whoever those people are.
I am speaking for the half illiterate group, I don't understand the use of all the fancy words that people actually have to use a dictionary for and causes more of a distraction than an effect. But thats just me....anyways(and im not speaking for Jen or what not) she wants the first names so she can see who the heck all the anonymous people are so she is able reply with a full understanding of what the person has all said. There are anonymous people out the wazoo and she(i dont know for a fact) probably doesnt know who has all said what. At least i get confused on that. But anyways, i believe thats the reason she wants first names or something of recognition to sort throught the posts. Sorry if I'm wrong Jen. And about the friends thing...she does have more friends than the one she talks about..I believe thats already been discussed and Elise backed that up in the post before yours. FYI...these stupid word verification things are HARD!! geeze...i keep having to redue them!
Of course elise would back her up, it is easy for her because she is within that "circle" of friends. How about we have elise on the outside looking in?
There is a big difference.
She was joking when Jen posted "3 or 4 friends post away". And once again, Jen is very friendly and is a friend to practically everybody. There is no "circle of friends"....it's more like a long long long line of friends. And if you make your assumptions by the 3 or 4 people that comment...you should probably go more in depth with your research before coming up with that conclusion. If you knew the story also of how Elise came to our church, you might once again change your feelings about Jen's friends.
Apart from that, Jen...this is fun.
Alright, I find it pretty humorous how we went from a simple announcement of our new youth pastor to discussing my prayer life and the authority of the scriptures to people being hurt by the church and miscommunication through "sarcasm and criticism" to discussing my close circle of friends, and we even got to throw a post about Hitler in the mix!
Well, here's the deal, Zach, you are exactly right in saying that first names bring clarification. I really don't see how that could cause a "backlash" but only direct each person towards the comment of the person that they are replying to. Besides, I really don't even care if you make up your own names if it's that big of a deal to use your real name. You could type in that your name is "Flackenfluff" for all I care!
As far as the anonymous poster that is concerned about my friends business, you certainly care enough about my personal business to inquire about my so called small number of friends. I'm not really sure why you would even post such a random thought other than to attempt to offend me and if that's the case, then it really doesn't saound like you want to be a good friend (THE prerequisite for any great friendship) with anyone! I'm not really sure of your intentions of your post, but if you intend to be mean, please stop!
Zachary, you are my precious, sweet, and very handsome little brother and I love you!
Elise, you are closer than my friend because God has intetwined our hearts! I love you Sissy and I was thinking about you last night at work because I worked from "our" section last night, so I got to think about you and God's divine plan for us and your wonderful family! I'm praying for you and I can't want to get together tonight, even for the weekly joy of office work! Prepare to bring your cotton to stuff in your ears due to the pointless alarm we encounter every week!
Jen Dittmann Out!
Jen-When you started going to your church was everyone really friendly and open to you? I would guess they all had their little posse's and you felt a tiny bit left out or unliked. Maybe that's what this annoymous person is trying to tell you. Maybe you should step out of that circle and become friends with the "uncool" people. That's what having a church family is about right? Everyone loving Everyone? Having people to lean on?
Elise...I'm sure Jen is a great friend to you. I can see how much she cares for you. She sure talks about you in her blog a lot! I can see that she loves you with all her heart.
*this post is actually kind of comical.
You know what? I could respond, but I chose not to. That's the end of my comments about this subject. You are allowed to think how you wish and assume if you want. I love my friends and I love people. My friends love me and I know that through my ministry I am allowed to touch people's lives...what more could you ask for? Not much! Thank you Jesus!
don't post your life online if you don't want people to question it.
Thank you Jesus!
I don't mind people questioning about the things that I write online. I do however have a problem understanding why some random people would chose to assume things about my life that are not true and attempt to discourage my godly friendships for no apparent reason other than to "rip" on someone.
Thanks for writting your name Jacki!
You're welcome Jen!
Please don't jump to conclusions. No one is attacking your friendship with certain people.
I believe you have great friends and that you love all of them. I just wonder if you are open to having new friends or if you life revolves around "elise, josiah, gina and your boyfriend"
Sometimes the smallest gesture of joy can mean a lot to a person in pain.
The King of creation wants us, HIS subjects, to be joyful and to love one another. In fact He has told us that His number one priority is love: His love for us, our love for Him and for others. So our assignment as heavely royalty-in-training here on earth is, ABOVE ALL, to spread his love.
I do have to say I think your previous posts are pretty cute. You have a great sense of humor! I love the pictures as well.
Sometimes it is easy to assume another blogger is being sarcastic when they are actually just commenting on something. Please do not take what I said the wrong way. I am just curious.
FYI--You and your friends are pretty dang gorgeous!
I consider you a friend. I think at some point there may have been a falling out between us, but it was silent and probably due to some sort of miscommunication. If this is wrong, then perhaps it was just me being stupid (which isn't unlikely). But I'm genuinely glad to see you at church and at other events. That night at prayer was awesome and I appreciate the encouraging words afterwards. I pray for you and Caleb whenever I think of you, and I want you to know that even though we aren't close friends, I'm glad to call you my sister in Christ. I wonder if you remember the first day we met. I sure do. The guys in the UR were playing football in front of the church, and even though it was for guys only, you boldly showed up. I think it was September 29, 2002. Anyway, I was on defense and made a move that caused my foot to slip into a divet in the grass and I hurt my foot. I was writhing in pain and you acted quickly by going to the Youth Center to get ice for me to put on my foot. I really appreciate that you were so selfless and compassionate to help me in my time of need. It was hot and anyone else would have complained about running up to the Youth Center, but you were inclined, almost excited, to help someone. I'll never forget that.
Brian, I do remember that day! That was crazy fun! Oh I have got some memories from that day! I appreciate your sweet words. You're awesome and remember what I said about you . . . you're gonna do amazing things for the King and for His Kingdom! See ya tomorrow!
Jen, I'm sorry, but I don't know if I'll be able to visit this post anymore. These people keep talking about how you're not open to new friends which is a lie straight from the pits of hell. They make these conclusions eventhough the people who know you best are telling them that you are open...and it's bugging me. It's like they have a preconceived notion not to listen.
*to not listen
Once again, of course the people who "know" her are fine with it. I am just saying take two steps back, then look inside of the "circle" or whatever you want to call it, pretend that you are on the outside looking in. would you feel comftorable with this group if you were an "outsider" especially if you were not talked to or even acknowledged? It is easy to feel like everything is fine, but if at least 2 or 3 people are saying that there is something slightly wrong don't you think that it would not hurt to take a look and evaluate? Once again this has nothing to do with your personal character, but it is something that seemss to hit a nerve. Also, i think it is good to share your beliefs and dreams with other people, but some things really should be kept private. You should not open up your heart for everyone to see, because you open your self up to pain, rejection, hurt, anger etc... I hope this is not sounding ignorant again, because i am talking to myself as well. Thanks
I'll try not to get my hopes up but perhaps one piece of information that my sister has been to humble to mention will shed some light. The youth group that makes it on to this blog so often is a part of her ministry not simply somewhere that she attends. She gives large amounts of her time and talents freely for the exact purpose of getting involved in the lives of the girls who do attend (we minister to 7th-12th graders) and the new people that they bring. I think what has been seen as a reluctunce to look at a "problem" is simply reluctunce on her part to print a list of the many young people she has mentored, befriended, and ministered to. Rides are given, homework is helped with, lessons are prepared, and relationships are formed. Again, this is not her hobbby but rather the main thrust of what she does for God. Jesus traveled with his friends and the fellowship that they shared served to fuel their ability to give their lives away for the world that immediately surrounded them. We (the infamous circle of friends) have chosen to follow this model. You see much of ourl love for each other on this blog because it is not primarily a blog about Our churches youth group (it has it's own web sight) or the other ministries that Jen gives her life to others through but rather various attempts to share what is going on in her life and heart on any given day. As a capper you will note that she has a very happy and active son. If you think raising one of those lets you stay uptight and incrowd your sadly mistaken. Well, thats all. I've tried my best to clear up any misunderstandings but even if not God is our vindicator and that has been more then enough for us.
I'll end this post with the same way it started - AMEN.
Zach be a big boy and suck it up.
Oh, this isn't the end! Someone said, "Hey, have you checked out Jen's blog lately?" Well, I did and I apologize for not putting in my two cents earlier. To Jason: "...pretend that you are on the outside looking in..." Jason, I am on the outside looking in and I will tell you that Jen and I aren't close friends. Just friends as sisters in Christ. I can back up any comments made that claims she has more friends than "the circle" because I am not part of "the cirlce" but rather someone who feels comfortable enough to say that I love hanging out with them when the opportunity arises. The love of Christ that wells deep within their hearts is evident in the good fruits that are produced (see Jo's previous comment) and this love naturally attracts people to their purpose and their presence. I just thought you might want some input from an "outsider". Please do not mistake this comment for sarcasm or any of the aforementioned tones of comments. It's so easy to take what's written and place it into emotion.
To All:
I love the fact that even now Jesus is covering this blogsite. The fruits are evident!
I understand. I will say it agsin, i see that you are on this site often as well, and once again have just proven what i am trying to get across. Of course you see all these things, becausr you are in the "circle". Outside looking in. How about someone who is NOT, in the circle. To the girl who repied, katie i believe, i understand what you are saying,and that's fine and well, but we are back where we started aren't we. You stated yourself that you are comftorable and don't mind hanging out with them if you get a chance. Why does it have to be that way? Why can't the circle make it comftorable for you. the person on the "outside"?. I understand that you don't have to be friends with everyone, that's just not going to happen. I have been to a few youth groups and churches in different states as well, it is a sad thing when you walk in as a visitor and there are "groups' of people, and you don't know where to fit in. you should not have to "fit" in. you should be welcomed with open arms. "group" or not. i don't care if you are super preppy or goth. the goth person that walks in the door shoul be able to sit down with mr. or mrs. prep and be completley fine with each other. If you have a better example then please make me aware. Thank You.
Yes sir Josiah! ha ha ha ha ha...I was only just kidding. I just don't like people slamming Jen when they don't know her.
How are you, man? My brother is named Jason. Anyway, that's irrelevant. Seeing as how my name is Brian, I'm not in the Josiah/Jen/Chad/Elise/Gina group, but none of them are in the Roland/Brian/Marvin/Jeremiah/Natalie/Crystal group, but I am. Just because people hang out with a specific group of friends more than others doesn't mean there is a "problem." I will admit that cliques can promote isolation and arrogance, but I don't believe this is the case in the groups mentioned here. I propose that all of the people mentioned in this comment have different personalities, senses of humor, interests, taste in music, hobbies, etc., and due to these characteristics, they are drawn to like-minded folk. They enjoy the company of similar people, not because they don't want to associate with others, but because they are gathered through common bonds. Just as Jen and I are connected through our love of Christ. We don't hang out all that often, and it's not because we hate each other or don't let anyone in our safe circles, it's because we just don't have a lot in common. There's nothing wrong with that. Let's say I have season tickets to the St. Louis Cardinals. More than not, I would take someone who enjoys baseball, not someone who despises professional sports because the players "make too much money." It's a difference, not a flaw. (Although people who dislike baseball are really weird. ;) ) I guess the point I'm drawing to is this: We are connected through Christ, but that doesn't mean we will hang out with everyone we meet. We will be drawn to those most like ourselves. You can call it a "circle of friends" if you like, but know that the circle isn't exclusive.
Good explanation Brian! I like how you got your message across without being sarcastic and unfriendly. I completely agree with you.
Jason it seems to me that there might be only one cure for you. Why not take a road trip and come down to the youth group? This way you can taste and see that we strive for an open and friendly group. On a side note Zach I'm glad that you took that so well but I didn't write it. That is the first time anyone has hijacked my name so I guess there is a first time for everything, unless the mystery mans real name is Josiah in which case I apologize. Anyone who has wondered about the "in crowd" factor at the Upper Room is more then welcome to come and meet all of us and see for yourselves otherwise I'm afraid we are out of ways to convince you. God bless.
Oh my, Jen! I apologize that it has been so long since I have been on here. I try to check it out every now and then but its been about two months I think...
Anyhow- the way you handled this shines with your amazing heart for Christ. The old Jen I knew would have handled this much differantly.
Let your own reaction be your own encourager (jeez- I can't figure out how to spell that). Sometimes we hit moments such as these when words can bring death rather than life. Sometimes we must encourage ourselves.
You are an amazing women of Christ- bought by His blood and sanctified by his word. Let the word of no man bring you down.
Shine with His beautiful grace!
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