Good morning my fellow bloggers! I have been slackin' in the post department, due to an increase in demand of my time and a low supply of it, therefore making it very valuable! So busy lately, but not minding it too much. God is so awesome to give me friends and family that help and pray for me, so I am grateful for that.
Camp is right around the corner, I mean right around the corner, like 16 days, 20 hours, and like 37 minutes around the corner! That's way fast, super fast! So, preparations for that are flying down the pipe. I started to feel way overwhelmed with all that and someone gave me phenomenally wise advice - DELEGATE! So, I asked for help, thank you Lord, and He gave me amazing people to pitch in and totally help bear the burden. Now, I feel a complete handle on camp preparations and that I gained much closer bonds with two amazing women of God. Thank you Father God for Angela and Katie!
Hmmm . . . what other updates can I give you? Well, Caleb is doing very well. Growing up like crazy! It's wild to see just how caught between worlds he is right now. He will turn 5 in July, so he's in that between stages where sometimes he wants me to hold him (which I am not strong enough to do for very long) and sometimes it seems like he didn't even notice that I had left and we spent the whole day apart! It hurts sometimes, but I understand that it's just a phase. I love being a mommy amidst the war instead of my heart!
The things that he says amaze me too! I think to myself, "Where did this kid learn that!?" Children are like little sponges, so be careful of that responsibility! Lately he has been telling me, "Mommy, I love you, but I love Jesus more." Of course my heart soars when he tells me that! Is that not the goal of every Christian parent? Thank you Lord! I need you to help me be a better parent always. Teach me to be the parent that you are.
GIRL TIME - I am spending more time it seems like with my girls lately and LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT! Elise just got a job that she will be working full time for and that means less Sissy Time. So, I've been trying to soak up every minute with her possible before her job starts. We have to do alot of catching up right before bed and it makes for sweet late night talks. I still feel like I haven't gotten enough Leesie time and definitely our time to pray together has been cut short, so Father God please help us to deal with that. I love investing, especially in prayer, myself into Elise's life and love that she invests herself into mine. It is a sweet relationship and complete blessing! Thank you Lord!
My dearest Gina will be leaving in days so that too has been another reason that we are wringing out the clock, squeezing every last minute of our time together. Tuesday, the three of us huddled on the couch talking about girly stuff then eventually got reedy for bed. We prayed over Elise and finally fell asleep. When we woke up, more talking, breakfast, and then Elise headed home to get some things accomplished while Caleb played with Gina's dog and Gina and I got cozy on that couch again and put in a girly flick. God, thank you that I love girly movies and that you've given me Gina so that I have someone to watch them with! This is something that I treasure about being a girl. I love lying in Elise's lap while she plays with my hair. I love that two full grown women cuddle on the world's smallest couch, sharing a blanket. I love that it isn't even a question that we are going to sleep in separate beds or that it's weird that we don't. WE'RE GIRLS! I love that! God, thank you that I am a girl and that you've given me the most awesome friends to be girls with!
What else . . . Hmmm . . . well, lots actually! God is just working like crazy in my life and I love it! God is speaking to me often and we communicate about lots of things. I am humbled that the Creator of the entire universe wants anything to do with me! How cool is our God!? He has been answering prayers like the dickens and it seems like everywhere I turn He is showing me just how faithful He really is. This season is filled with wonder! I try to figure God out alot and the more that I try, the less that I can grasp what He is doing or why He is doing it! His ways are truly higher and His thoughts are beyond my greatest capacity of thinking! Just yesterday
So, as you can see there is lots going on right now, and so much more that I haven't even gone into. I am in a sweet season of my life right now and loving every second of it. So much of me wants to hurry time along in so many ways, but the sacrifice of missing anything or not treasuring the precious moments of right now would pierce my heart more than I could even imagine. Spring has always been my favorite season and this spring is overflowing with blessing . . . I feel like a dove.
Thank you Jesus that you are working in my life in ways that I don't even know fully. My life is so full right now and my schedule is busy and packed, but I thank you that in all the chaos and hustle I can find you and be at rest in any situation. I love that you have place people in my life that long to help me, pray for me, love me, and spend time with me and I thank you for these relationships that you have ordained in my life. Help me to manage my time and be a good steward over it. Help me to be productive according to your purposes and your will. Thank you for giving me responsibilities that invest in your kingdom and allowing me to be a part of what you are building at our church. You bless me that you would entrust such responsibilities into my hands. Please anoint my relationships and anoint that which you call me to be your vessel and help me to wisely care for them, all in your Son's sweet name. AMEN.
Awww, Den Jittmann! I love just hearing about the little things that God does in your life! It reminds me that God cares about the small details as well as the big picture.
I agree, life is busy. It's Camp Hussle Time! Exciting but exhausting. Good thing God is in control, huh?
Much Love!
AMEN, Ratie Kussell! I love you so much and appreciate your help with camp. Thank you so much!
The Lord is faithful, and true and He works in ways that are totally out of our control. I am so thankful for our friendship that was inspired by HIM from day one... otherwise we wouldn't even be friends (we both freakin' know that)!!!
You are a daily inspiration to me in your walk with Jesus and in your motherhood... I am gonna miss you sweet friend of mine.
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