The Pursuit of a Life of Praise

In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. ~ Psa 45:4-7


Happy Birthday to me!

Okay, this year was definitely the best year ever! I can really say that. It was the best birthday! Let me tell you all about it! It first started with Saturday night. I got home from work and on the kitchen counter was a package. Inside the fabulously decorated package was a card, Kona coffee, and some snazzy pink flip flops, all straight from the paridise of Hawaii from my sweet G! Okay, well, Elise spent the night on Sunday and I woke up to a sweet birthday hug and she prayed over me and let me go back to sleep. That was kinda difficult because SO many people kept calling me to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Anyway, so I eventually stopped trying to fight everyone's love and got up. Caleb and I went through our normal routine (bible study, exercise, reading, showers, laundry, etc.) Then, Elise came back to my house after her classes and brought me a present! Who doesn't love the Old Navy!? She gave me 2 amazing shirts (which I have already worn both!) AND Subway chocolate chip cookies AND a package of Doubleshot light. I think that these girls love me like the dickens!

So, it continues...people texted me all day too, including Josh Kluge. AND he asked if He could watch Caleb so that Chad and I could go out! How great is that! I love this kid! Well, we didn't go out, but he did still watch Caleb so that I could go to Corporate Prayer.

I really didn't want to go to prayer actually. Elise and I were running late already and I wanted to go DO something. I was just in one of those moods to be active and to do something out of the ordinary. So, I didn't want to go. I also have this thing about being late. I hate it and when I am late, I usually would rather not go than to be late, for instance, if I am not early to see a movie, I won't go. I know that sounds weird, but that's ok, God made me that way. So, we're late, we didn't want to go and somehow felt entitled to that because it was my birthday (which is stupid) and we're pulling into the parking lot. I told Elise, "Leesie, I really don't want to go to prayer right now." She agreed. But, then I grabbed her hand and told her that the days that I don't want to go are the days that it ends up being the best. So, we invited the Holy Spirit to take over our hearts and invited Him into our evening...He delivered, just as He always does.

Prayer was so darn good! Thank you Jesus! Every time that my heart wanted to get distracted or bored, I pressed in and relied even more on God to hear my prayer and answer it. It was a great faith builder and the whole time I kept thinking, "God, I want to give you my everything. Meet me here. I don't want to pray right now, but I'm gonna press in. I want to see your hand move because of these hearts uniting together and coming before your throne." I rejoiced then thinking about how God was going to honor that. I was filled!

After prayer, Chad went will me to pick Caleb up and that was great. I got to steal a few minutes alone with my man. The drive is only like 6 minutes (tops) but I just adored that he would go with me and drive nonetheless! (I hate driving!) So, we picked Caleb up and the Kluges gave me some birthday blueberry muffins and a way sweet card. I love that family!

We drove back to church to meet up with Josiah, Katie, Elise, and Matthew. By the time that we arrived they already had a plan of what we were eating and everything, which, I loved because usually you have to wait like at least 10 minutes before a group can decide anything together. But not on my birthday! They left to go get the goodies and Chad, Caleb, and I played in the church parking lot for about 20 minutes. When they got back, we had Imo's in the Youth House followed by an incredible brownie chocolate ice cream for desert. was so good! Jamie came up a little while later and we all got to be together and bawk like chickens and do crazy and silly stuff. It was great fun!

The next day, Tuesday, my mom and I had dinner and shopping plans. We went to the Applebee's and went shopping. Also, she gave me a wonderful present - a camera, so expect new and exciting pics to join the post. After we went shopping we went to go visit my Grandma. She is the cutest ever. She gave me all kinds of cute, old jewelry and told me great stories about when she was my age and how she met my Grandpa and great stuff like that. I could have listened to her all night!

So, that was my birthday! I still have dinner plans with a friend from high school, Jenny Block and with my dad, so it's kinda like a have a birthday week, so to speak! I got other great gifts too! Chad gave me a Bible commentary - I recommend it for everyone! It is enhancing my Bible study in so many ways. I am doing this Beth Moore study and it's recommended time of 45 minutes to devoted to the study is turning into hours as a result of this commentary. It's rich! I love it! Momma Lyn and Grandma Addie gave me a gift certificate to the Old Navy. I love that store! And sly Shelia slipped some money into my hand as she was leaving prayer. How cute is she!? So, it was a phenomenal day! Thanks you all so much for blessing me on this day! I love you all!


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Well Bless Your Heart, Dear!! A Very Happy Birthday to my Sister in Christ!! The Angels danced the day you were born!!

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Katelyn Ashley said...

Jen, I'm so glad I got to be a little part of your birthday celebration! You're awesome and I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life. A true treasure!

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Katie! I am so glad that I got to be with you. As your trip draws nearer, I get all the more anxious to hug you and never let you go and excited to send you on your way all at the same time. I know that if I am having these mixed emotions, that yours must be even more hightened. I love you Katie, and thank you for hanging out with me and making that day so amazing!


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