I have gathered that this means that I am supposed to blog about myself and where I was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and then I year ago. So, here it goes:
Well, 10 years ago, I was 14 years old. Oh, thinking about this place in my life, to be quite honest with you, makes me cringe for several reasons that I do not feel comfortable blogging about. But, I will say this, I was in 8th grade. I was not at all focused on the things of God, even though I was attending a Catholic grade school. I was focused on the things of the world – including boys! Well, maybe not included boys, it probably was the focus. School, well it was there. It was never difficult for me to get good grades, so I didn’t have to try that hard. I lived for recess and talking with my friends about boys and talking to boys and really anything that had to do with boys. I’m just being honest here! I was in a “serious” relationship (“serious” meaning that, that boy had more influence on me and my mind, heart, body, time . . . you name it, than anything else.) He was 16, so he could drive and this was the biggest thing ever in my “circle” that I had a boyfriend that could take me places or that would pick me up from school or soccer practice. AHHHHHHH! God thank you for opening my eyes and saving my soul!
Moving right along . . .
5 years ago, I was pregnant! HA! I was actually getting ready to have surgery to remove a cyst on my ovary while I was pregnant. Jesus is so good because it was through this situation where I really realized just how precious my pregnancy was. I got engaged back in September, found out that I was pregnant in December, and then by January, he was gone. So, up until this point in my pregnancy I had not really found a reason to get excited about this coming bundle of joy. However, when life had begun to lay it all on the line and my baby’s life was at stake, God showed me just how much I truly did want this beautiful baby. I was still a praying, dutiful Catholic and left God where “He belonged” at church on Sundays, but never had the personal relationship. It was also this pregnancy that started the questions in my spirit to surface again about God and religion and how I disagreed with the doctrine of man in the Catholic Church and just how I planned on raising my son to understand the things of God. Needless to say, my son is alive and very well! AHHHHHHH! God thank you for opening my eyes and saving my baby!
1 year ago! Wow, well, only 1 year ago I found out that God was calling my pastor to resign from his position as the youth pastor. This rocked my world! I was in a serious relationship. (This time, I mean serious as in we had already been together for 1 ½ years and we were definitely believing it was God’s will for our lives to be married.) Caleb is now 3 years old. God has saved my life and my soul, but He is only first and foremost at highs in my spiritual life. He, often times, took a close second to whatever needed my attention most at that time. Like I said before, He was only first at moments, usually this meant like when I needed Him or during youth retreats or camps, and sometimes when the Spirit would move me during an incredible sermon. I was still a “good” Christian. I read my bible, I prayed my prayers, but never really took the full dive off the cliff to trust God with everything and really seek after Him and Him alone. Worry plagued me often and insecurity was always snapping after my heels (most of the time it got a hold and left me with a nasty wound.) I met a girl named Elise Mullins and began to develop a great dorky friendship with her. Mom and Dad were fighting like usual and there was no relationship between me and my brother and sister. My family thought I was a religious loony and I was a total approval addict with people at church. I was always fighting this feeling that “I know I’m not where I need to be” but I was leading and teaching the High School age group, so therefore, I could not go to anyone for help, because I was supposed to be a leader and self-sufficient and I would have to admit that I was weak and that I really hadn’t been doing things right! LIES, ALL LIES! THE DEVIL IS FULL OF LIES! So, that made me start to push Gina out of my life, because I began to run out of excuses and explanations of my complacency. But, even back then, God began to work in my life and mark out the steps that He was going to use to restore my spirit and bring me true freedom in Him. AHHHHHHH! God thank you for opening my eyes and saving me from the lies!
Today, I was able to sleep in. I made lunch for my brother and me. We talked for hours about the things of God and how He has saved our lives and shaken us up, poured out His amazing blessed above all that we could ever have asked for, and had coffee! It was a wonderful day! Now, I’m about ready to go to corporate prayer and get all “jacked up” about the things of God since He has taken His rightful place as number 1. AHHHHHHH! God thank you for opening my eyes and blessing me with the ability to hear your voice and to be your hands and feet!
5 songs I know:
- MERCY REIGNS – Shane & Shane
- EVERYTHING YOU ARE – Big Daddy Weave
- FAITH - Jason Upton
- SPRINGS OF LIFE – Ginny Owens
- BREAKDOWN – Jack Johnson
5 things I'd do with a million dollars:
- tithe
- give to the India Orphanage
- pay off debt
- take my family to dinner
- save the rest for my son’s college and our house
5 places I'd run away to:
- Canada
- Camp Mikaska
- TN
- Kansas City
- the Park
5 things I'd never wear:
- fur or any kind (fake or real)
- tube tops
- Bermuda shorts
- gobs of make-up
- Stiletto heels
5 favorite toys:
- I don’t know how to answer this
5 favorite books: (in no particular order)
- BIBLE – Mr. Jehovah Jeri Himself
- THE BOOK OF ROMANCE – Tommy Nelson
- BOY MEETS GIRL – Joshua Harris
5 greatest joys:
- Jesus
- praying
- being with my son
- cuddling up with THE blue blanket and coffee, surrounded with candles, family, and the presence of God
So, I’ll attempt to tag 5 others:
- Gina Crawford
- Paul Taylor
- Katie Russell
- Josiah Serra - let’s make this a conversation for the next Starbucks!
- Kim – Gina you will have to pass this one on!
Jen, My Dear Sister in Christ,
Thanks so much for sharing that.
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